Thursday, August 11, 2011

So, What IS this Miso stuff??

Considering I just posted TWO miso-centered recipes, I thought I'd do a little research and share what it actually IS, for those who may be interested.

Miso is basically Soy beans. Soy beans and a mould culture, and sometimes another grain, such as rice or wheat. The beans are mixed with the culture and other grain and then fermented for a period of time from several months to several years. The length of fermenation affects the color, flavor, aroma, and color of Miso. (source)
My host family in Yokohama made their own Miso and fermented it for two years. It was phenomenal. So delicious! We would spread it on vegetables and eat it raw.

As you may notice in the picture above, there are different types of miso, too! Red miso and white miso are the most common I've seen.

Interested in making you own? Well luckily for you, I found this handy-dandy HOW-TO!!

Oh, and one more thing to remember when cooking with miso! Don't boil it!! Add it to your soups after everything is already cooked! If you boil miso it will ruin the flavor!

That's all for now!


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