Friday, March 23, 2012

Tips from Jessica: Wilty Lettuce

This is a post from my personal blog, but since it applies to food I thought I would post it here, too.



It happens to all of us (perhaps a bit more often to me?).

We think, hey! Let`s be healthy! And then we make the resolution to EAT SALADS. Because they are healthy AND yummy, right?

So we buy lettuce.

And sometimes we use it. And sometimes we don`t. And sometimes we forget about it.

And then, after what seems like a short amount of time, we find out lettuce all droopy and sad. And we mourn, and throw it out.

But THAT is where you are wrong!!

I use this simple method to revitilize my lettuce, and I have kept lettuce for... probably way longer than I should have. But wilty lettuce isn`t poisonous (or if it is, either it is a weak poison or I have a strong tolerance, because I have eaten a lot of wilty and post-wilty greens).

Step 1: Take your wilty lettuce.

Step 2: Put it in a bag.

Step 3: Put a bit of water in the bag.

Step 4: Leave it in to the fridge.

Viola. Your lettuce will suck in the water and return to crispy, tasty, salad-bound deliciousness.

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