Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cucumber Avacado Sandwiches

Okay, so they are not Japanese. But they are RIDICULOUSLY TASTY. And also vegetarian! I totally stole this simply, refreshing, delicious meal idea from Jeri.

Cucumber Avocado Sandwiches - Makes 2 sandwiches
1 ripe Avocado
1 cucumber, sliced
4 slices of bread
Ceasar dressing

Spread dressing on bread according to taste (I put a decent dollop on both slices of bread!)
Lay sliced cucumbers in a layer (or two) on the bread. Slice avocado and place on top of cucumbers. Place second piece of bread on top and - viola. Heaven!

Alternatives: You could also mash the avocado up and spread it on the bread. It would make it a little less messy to eat, I think, but I sort of like the randomness of slices.
Also, I usually cut my bread in half before I make these. It makes them easier to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delicious! Since I make Japanese food about every night for dinner I should be posting on this blog more, lol. Maybe I'll post Hiroshima okonomiyaki!


nom nom nom!