Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dora Yaki どら焼き

It's been awhile since any recipes have been posted but here is a recipe for Dora Yaki or Japanese pancakes. You don't but syrup on them or anything, they just resemble pancakes except they are a lot sweeter. We made these at a Japan Club activity and they were a big hit. We almost didn't have enough for everybody! If you have any questions feel free to post comments.

Dora Yaki どら焼き

• 3 eggs
• 2/3 cup sugar
• 1/2 tsp baking soda
• 3 Tbsp water
• 1 cup flour, sifted
• 3/4 lb sweet azuki beans

Put eggs and sugar in a bowl and whisk very well. Dissolve baking soda in water. Add the water in the egg mixture. Add sifted flour in the egg mixture gradually. Heat a skillet or hot plate and lightly oil it. Pour a scoop of the batter into the skillet and make a small pancake. Turn over when bubbles appear on the surface. Repeat this process to make 8-10 pancakes. Cool the pancakes. Divide pancakes into pairs, matching size and shape as best you can and put a 1 1/2 Tbsp (or an amount to your liking) red bean paste between each pair. Slice in half before serving.

Makes about five 4" dorayaki cakes or ten 2.5" cakes.

A note about the recipe: If you're used to making typical pancakes, it tempting to want to let these cook on the first side until bubbles appear and the sides of the top start to dry out. With dorayaki pancakes, do not wait for the sides to dry out or the pancake will most likely burn. Be sure to flip them once the surface becomes bubbly.

Because of the moisture still present in the edges, these are a bit tougher to flip than breakfast pancakes. The easiest way I found to do this while preserving the round shape of the pancake was to slide a spatula under the pancake slightly, lifting it up enough to fit a chopstick underneath it. You can then lift the pancake with the chopstick, allowing you to slide the spatula far enough under the pancake to flip it properly.


  1. Ah, I remember having this. It was oishii. I wonder if I'd need to go to a foreign foods store for the sweet bean paste?

  2. You can get the anko or sweer bean paste at First Oriental in Orem. It comes in bag and it's not refrigerated. I wasted a few minutes looking in the refrigerated section, lol.


nom nom nom!