Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cucumber Avacado Sandwiches

Okay, so they are not Japanese. But they are RIDICULOUSLY TASTY. And also vegetarian! I totally stole this simply, refreshing, delicious meal idea from Jeri.

Cucumber Avocado Sandwiches - Makes 2 sandwiches
1 ripe Avocado
1 cucumber, sliced
4 slices of bread
Ceasar dressing

Spread dressing on bread according to taste (I put a decent dollop on both slices of bread!)
Lay sliced cucumbers in a layer (or two) on the bread. Slice avocado and place on top of cucumbers. Place second piece of bread on top and - viola. Heaven!

Alternatives: You could also mash the avocado up and spread it on the bread. It would make it a little less messy to eat, I think, but I sort of like the randomness of slices.
Also, I usually cut my bread in half before I make these. It makes them easier to eat.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Zaru Soba

An easy, cold, refreshing noodle dish that`s wonderful for a hot summer day. Soba noodles served cold and dipped in a separate sauce before eating. すっきり!

Zaru Soba    Serves 2
1 bundle dry soba noodles
Tsuyu (can be bought premade or made yourself)
   1 cup dashi
   1/4 cup soy sauce
   1/4 cup mirin
Green onions, sliced
Optional: nori, shredded into small strips, rayu, other spices and flavorings

To make Tsuyu:
Bring mirin to boil. Add soy sauce and dashi and bring to boil once again. Remove from heat and refridgerate until cold. Can be stored in the fridge for weeks.

Cook soba noodles according to directions. Drain and rinse with cold water until noodles are cold. Drain well. Top with nori, if desired.
Pour tsuyu into a separate, small container (tall contaniers work best; ie, Japanese teacup, etc). Put sliced green onions and any other flavorings into tsuyu.
To eat, take soba noodles, dip into the sauce, and then eat.


No-soup Udon with Mixed Veggies!

I sort of made this up on the spot, and didn`t really measure anything, but here is a vegetarian dish. Soy sauce and sugar make a sweet, thick sauce that goes well with the satsumaimo (purple sweet potato). Mix up this recipe with whatever vegetables you like (or whatever is on sale at your supermarket!!)

No-Soup Udon with Mixed Veggies     Serves 2
1 package udon noodles (Pre-cooked or dry, whichever you prefer
Vegetables of your choice!
   I used: 1.5 onions, 3 small green peppers, one red pepper, 1 medium satsumaimo (purple sweet potato!)
~1 Tbsp oil (does anyone actually measure oil for stir-frying? I sure don`t)
Soy sauce (I didn`t measure, maybe use about a cup?)
3 Tbsp Sugar
Salt to taste
Optional: red pepper flakes or other spices: black sesame seeds

If using dry noodles, cook then according to directions

Slice vegetables. For Satsumaimo, I recommend slicing at an angle, turning the potato 45, slicing again, etc. This should make chunky, stick-like potato wedges.

Heat oil in frying pan over high heat. Add onions, satsumaimo, and salt (salt helps brown vegetables by drawing out the moisture) and brown, apx 2~3 minutes. Add peppers and brown briefly if desired. Add soy sauce and reduce heat to medium. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender and much of the liquid is gone. Uncover and add sugar. Cook uncovered for a few more minutes, then add noodles and toss to coat.

Top with black sesame seeds and serve warm.